Najwa Zebian

The drum line stands at the ready near the back of the theater. The beautiful opener of Legendary Lane begins. Each speaker dictates the entrance they embrace, and determines the energy they bring to the stage. Throughout the Summit of Greatness conference, I watched as some individuals danced their way onto the stage, and others bounded and leaped their way to the stairs. Najwa was different.

I could barely see her as the drummers made their way down the aisles. Her stature was slight and with the lights, the drums, the music, I only saw her as she took her first step onto the stage.

She stood in the middle of the stage, while the drummers continued welcoming her. She placed her palms together, and drew them to her heart.

She stood that way for quite some time. Then, she spoke.

Everyone sat enraptured, still and quiet. Nearly 1,000 attendees all glued to her every word. The only phones out and utilized were to snap photos or to quickly scramble to capture her words in the Notes app. No one breathed, moved or shifted in their seats.

We build "home" in other people. We invest in others like we do when investing money. Instead, value, dignity and worth needs to live with you and in you - not in others. -Najwa Zebian

After Najwa was finished, Lewis pulled up chairs so he could chat with her, and so the audience could ask questions. After being asked how to forgive and move on with a relationship, Najwa had this to say:

Thank you Najwa for your voice, your bravery, your vulnerability and your willingness to give words to those who feel they cannot speak. To learn more about Najwa, to order her books, or read the work she shares online, visit her website.


Serendipity Conference


Brendon Burchard, Summit of Greatness